Sunday, August 12, 2007

What Did You Say?

Hearing some people talk can drive me nuts. It's absolutely amazing how people say things without even noticing them half of the time and as the listener, you swear that you will tell them off next time.. But we never do and it makes me wonder why we silently endure them.

One example I can give you is when people exaggerate something with the word "ever". Having someone saying "it's the best thing in the history for like...EVER" is ridiculous.. I mean, iff it's already in the history, we would understand that it had to be something that never happened EVER.. The intensifier is not needed and we could spare the one second that you've just spent on saying "ever" to do something more useful like wondering what the hell the Paris Hilton Action Hero cartoon would be like or how would we describe Baby Spice's baby?(i decided to go with Baby Spice's baby anyway :p)

Another thing is using the likes and some sorts like pepperoni on pizza in your speech... If you can't hold a thought in your mind, give us the honour to sleep while you do rather than having us hanging by the bore thread trying to wait for what might come after the "like" and the "some sort".. I've grown so accustomed with those likes now that I've created a game called Guessing a Rhyme for it... "hurrrmmm... he might say bikini or would it be salami or probably mee maggi?"

The art of speaking is hard to master despite it being one of the things that we acquire so early in life. So it explains why sometimes it's better to just shut up and drive :p


Anonymous said...

i wonder who annoyed u so much smpi u tules neh... must have been a consistent and enormous amount cos it does seem to have irritated u =P

Ana Shirin said...

yayang: haha.. apparently, it's not that hard to annoy me now :p

Anonymous said...

eh? ayo, i takot...
kalo i annoy u, u kluk kluk je i
i tanak u annoyed by me =|