Sunday, June 17, 2007

Of 0 (and smaller)

Whenever I hear people complaining about their weight and going on about how they should start dieting, I look at them with envy and a tinge of disbelief.. Whatever for do you need to shed those kilos? I think you look fine as it is *sigh*

To let you in on a secret, I have been reduced to buying some things from the kids department which of course do not accomodate to what I'm looking for... Being a size 0 (or for my case, a 00 at times) is not a privilege when haute couture is not your policy. Of course, Tom Ford and John Galliano think of us but most other designers start their collections at an 4 and absent-mindedly discriminate people who are smaller (yes, i consciously used the word "discriminate")

Seriously, it is hard to describe the disappointment when the shop assistant tells you, "Sorry, that's the smallest size we have right now and will ever have for that matter.' Snap, Snap..even that is humongous for my standard. Ok, to your defence, I do admit that I need some things to be as tight as it can but still that is most of the time not achievable.

And not to forget the sly looks from people when you try on clothes with the statement scribbled all over their face going "uuhhh.. I bet she throws up each time she eats".. Well, far from truth, I eat like a Godzilla and would never think of throwing up for whatever reason except if the food sucks, of course. Other than that, nope.. I do eat like a Godzilla. So, why the stereotype?

So, all I can say is love the body that you're in... It's a canvas of your soul, a cage for your life. You are lucky if you have a complete one,if otherwise consider yourself gifted in ways you couldn't imagine... Stop listening to people saying that size 0 is the way to go because they are not you and will never be you.


Jarod Yong said...

your such a sexy mama...
they just jealous!

Ana Shirin said...

not really sure about the sexy part, though.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

susah nak kata no...
yang kurus nak gemok...
yang gemok nak kurus...
hurm, tapi tak patotla mereka2
yang ingat ko bulimic tu...
mereka sgt salah anggap...
i'm happy being chubby, but i
know i need to shed some weight
off cos tanak overweight.
takpala, balik msia nanti ada
saiz ha...

Anonymous said...

"gifted" i like that word.huhu