Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Self Reminder

Sometimes, it startles me when people say that I'm a nice, goody two shoes girl. It creates a grain of fear in me that someday, I might disappoint these people who think so although I may say that I did not force them to believe it in the first place.

I mean, how would you define nice? If it's loosely captured by not drinking, no heavy partying, no smoking, no drug abuse and the likes of apparent "bad" behaviour, then I'm probably a nice person. But if nice is realised by always being kind no matter the situation, never having a bad thought about someone, never talk bad behind someone's back or always prioritising everybody else before me, then I'll have to pass on the "Good Award."

I wish that I can always be the good daughter to my mother, the good sister to my siblings, the good friend who my friends need, the good student my teachers adore, the good teacher my students adore. Amin.


Anonymous said...

no one can really define nice for anyone else...a person should set his or her own 'nice' standards and try to grasp it...

i think you know what's nice for hal lah =)

WNA said...

nice is depends on who said it.ya,i agree with sunny up there.u noe what is nice inside urself.

nice reading :)

Anonymous said...

nice tak semestinye tade a bad side at all my dear...
as we all know, humans are not perfect...
kalo dok at one end of the continuum je n don't live your life, tak gune gak kan... if u know wat i mean...