Thursday, September 20, 2007


i have been losing the inspiration to write nowadays.. i wonder if it's due to the unavailability of Internet in my room for quite sometime.. or is it due to the inadequacy of being faraway from my mother.. or maybe the void i feel inside of me for not being able to see you who i have been thinking about terribly regardless of all those things that happened... or maybe for not talking to nina for 2 weeks... or feeling missed out in nabil's life.. or wishing there was more rain in the morning.. or reminiscing on the way i lived my life all this while...

but then again, shouldn't all those things give me some inspiration if not a whole lot of them? i often catch myself being surprised by my own thoughts... obviously i have been babbling the whole while... thank you for your concern and time, though :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe hehe *blush*
i pon bengong jugak tade u...