Thursday, January 31, 2008

Prank Gone Wrong

Imagine a room stuffed with 125 people, fanning and whispering to each other, moving about at their seats restlessly, perspiring away and staring blindly into a space called the board... Yes, that's a normal scenario in my Dewan Kuliahs here in IPBA. Somehow all the lectures seem to take place that way. I know that I really need to stop drawing unnecessary attention onto myself in the lecture hall but I find it extremely hard to keep quiet and focus on the lecture when it has been a 3 hour affair with the lecture hall being inconducive for the well being of any human form.

Besides the usual loud smart arse remarks that I pepper on the mistakes or funny stuff that the lecturer says in front (like saying 'there's only one mistakes'), I am also always guilty of pointing out any of the noticed "abnormal" things that my coursemates around my seat do in a not-meant-to-be-loud voice so, it's shared by others too thus my small time reputation as a prankster. But I always remember to choose who I want to usik and what ways would be the most suitable one which would result in me making a fool out of myself more than the person being targeted so that the person don't feel victimised (yes, i do analyse the way I make jokes)

So last Tuesday, I thought it was only padan muka sendiri when Dr Chandran, who was actually giving quite an interesting/entertaining lecture, caught me at the usual backbencher spot doing a funny chicken-like dance to the sound of Nisha' unsilent phone that rang at that time. So instead of the joke being on Nisha' because I was going "waaah... bestya, ada irama boleh menari-nari" in a Sin Chan manner with my hands all over the place, Dr Chandran actually smiled and said 'Is there anything interesting going on at the back?? I can see that we have people who are very talented in dancing.. Maybe she wants to share with all of us in front here". Nina and Aimi laughing uncontrollably while Alin and 'Ainur making it a point of "advising" me on my mistake certainly didn't help too because probably half of the cohort knew who the culprit was by then :p Soooo maluuuuu....

Despite all of those time when I attracted attention by sneezing ultra loudly (it's beyond my control) and actually doing my moral responsibility of ensuring that my dear friends don't fall asleep during these important lectures, this would be the best disaster I have caused upon myself. And guess what? Durra had to do the dance when the both of us bumped into Dr Chandran today and he just smiled while I bashfully siku her perut (padan muka kau!). Ana, stop being the smart arse prankster that you are because the pranks can get back at you.. I want to be a quiet student after this and only talk when asked to. When you are not a good student, how do you expect to be a teacher then kan?

We'll see how long that resolution is gonna lastlaaa


Alin Yussuff said...

haha, ana ana..
i pon gabra time tu ok..dah lah i wasnt listening.. tp i tau lah bukan i..sbb mcam u sorang je yg tgn mencucuk langit time tuh..

Jarod Yong said...

Keep it real, Anna...
The prankster is in your blood...
Don't deny your natural taste for something different for the norm...
Don't deny your creativity & the craving for the ecstacy of success when everyone appreciates your joke...

Be yourself...
Despite of what others think...
You dont have to remove the whole characteristic because of a few unfortunate incidents...
Change it a bit...

Will see how you do after this in the Bilik sardine A!!

Anonymous said...

laa u ke yg ade talent menari tu? haishhh anaaa ape nihh? hahahaha

Anonymous said...

oh it was me btw - tasha

Alin Yussuff said...

haha..remember how we prank kanak2 f2.4 plus the lecturers themselves?
hahhaha.. teppuk tangan plish..

Anonymous said...

tasha: macam lawak pule bile tasha leave another comment that it was her...

jarod: pjg juge komen jarod...

alin: haaa!!! u pon tak dgr ye? alin, alin... tula, dok blkg ni, jgn dok maen tepon je tau...

ana: saya di sini skali lagi ingin memohon maaf kerna gelak tak terkawal pada hari itu... sesungguhnya perbuatan itu tak berjaya dielakkan... u tanak tules pasal ape yang berlaku di secret recipe midvalley pule ke? =P